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How and Where to Use Recommendation Gallery
How and Where to Use Recommendation Gallery

The On-site Recommendation Gallery

Alina Marques avatar
Written by Alina Marques
Updated over 6 years ago

The On-site recommendation gallery features a preview to different types of Nosto recommendations which are based on popularity or recent activity on the site. In this article we explore how these work and also different scenarios on when to use them.

Live Recommendations

The recommendation showcases products that have been recently viewed, added to the shopping cart or bought by also revealing the rough location of the shopper: City, state and country level including also the number of active shoppers currently on the site. Number of active shoppers and location are optional settings and can be hidden.

We built the recommendation so that our merchants could deliver similar buzz-effect to brick and mortar stores. By showing recent activity, merchants can also build trust to new shoppers by showing the popularity of the site, plus provide a fun way to discover new products. The feed is designed for key landing pages, especially the homepage, but it can be used on any page type.

How it Works:

Technically the recommendation looks back approximately 30 minutes and shows recent activity on the site. 

Title considerations: 

“Look at what the world’s most stylish shoppers are viewing”

“ What [number of visitors] are currently shopping on [sitename]”

Best Sellers

We treat the best seller recommendation as the good old racehorse that remains effective regardless of site’s type, size or location. Best seller recommendation allows you to showcase most popular products using more static type of design. The recommendation can be adjusted based on views, purchases while products can be narrowed down to certain product range e.g. Most Popular for Women, Men and so forth, so that you can for example promote timely ranges, brands or even special categories such as “Ugly Christmas jumpers.”

Window shopping effect:

We built the recommendation so that our merchants could produce a virtual ‘window shopping’ type of experience on their key landing pages so that consumers, especially new ones, can easily identify what the store sells.  

Where and when to use:

The recommendation type is intended mainly for homepage and main category pages, but technically the recommendation can be used throughout the site.

Title considerations: 

“Best Sellers”

“Most Popular Right Now”

Trending by Location

Add a little spice to your regular best seller recommendations and modify the products by a user’s location. The gallery view allows also eyeing out what products are trending in each location so that you can easily preview what products are hot in different areas. Read full support documentation here.

We built the recommendation so that merchants that sell items to different areas could produce more local feel immediately when they land on the site. Especially in fashion consumers look and buy very different styles and products depending if they live for example in Santa Monica, California compared to streets of Brooklyn in New York.

Title considerations: 

“Trending In Your Area”

“Most Popular In $area” 

(Note that the area-variable works well only with English area names)

User Generated Content
As the third option you can repurpose and use user generated content from creative platforms. Read more here.

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