Release Notes - 11-03-17
Dan Macarie avatar
Written by Dan Macarie
Updated over a week ago

Feature Releases

Term Updates: Announcing Instagram Locations & More!

Instagram Locations

We’ve updated our Instagram Term so you can now aggregate content from Instagram Locations. Entering a location URL or ID will aggregate content tagged by Instagram users with that specific location or business name.This update is a game changer for customers who are looking to capture content from an exact location rather than bringing in all content from within a geographic region.

Dailymotion Term

Dailymotion - known as the YouTube of Europe - boasts 3.5 billion monthly video views. Now you can aggregate content from a Dailymotion User using their ID or URL as a new Term type in Stackla.

Vimeo Term

With over 35 million members and 715 million video views per month, Vimeo is the video connoisseur’s network. As with the Dailymotion Term above, users can now aggregate content from a Vimeo Channel or Album using the ID or URL as a new Term type in Stackla.

Learn more about setting up Stackla terms here.

Episerver Plugin is Here!

Episerver Users can now integrate User Generated Content directly into their website, commerce site and other channels using the Episerver UGC Plugin powered by Stackla. Contact your Stackla Account Manager to find out more.

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