What is Variant Grouping?
Variant Grouping ensures that different variations of the same product (e.g., a t-shirt in multiple colors) don’t appear multiple times within a single recommendation or in Search and categories. This enhances diversity, reduces visual clutter, and optimizes screen space to improve the shopper experience.
The feature functions in two-folded manner, but the core concept is the same between Recommendations and Search & Categories. However, each have separate settings to support full flexibility. Search Variant Grouping impacts search results and category listings, Recommendation Variant Grouping applies to product recommendations shown throughout the store.
Recommendation Variant Grouping
Before Grouping
Without grouping, merchants often see multiple color variations of the same product appearing in recommendations. This happens because many merchants (especially in Shopify) structure their catalogs with color variations as standalone parent products rather than actual variants.
After Grouping
Once enabled, Nosto groups product variations under a single representation, ensuring that recommendations:
Show a diverse selection of products rather than repeated variations.
Use on-site real estate efficiently by reducing duplicate product appearances.
Improve the shopping experience by making recommendations more relevant.
How Does it Work
Merchants have to define a shared attribute (such as a main product ID or a custom field) in Nosto, which is used for grouping under Recommendation Settings
Nosto then automatically prevents duplicate product variations from appearing in the same recommendation. The logic applies globally across all Recommendations, eliminating the need for manual filters.
How to Enable Recommendation Variant Grouping
Find & Define the Grouping Attribute: Identify a main product ID in your product data that should be used for grouping. This step is manual and must be completed in Recommendation Settings.
Save & Apply Changes: Once the attribute is defined, save it in Recommendation Settings.
Wait for Processing: Changes take approximately 24 hours to take effect due to data reprocessing. This delay occurs because Nosto updates product properties once per day.
Activate: Activate the option by simply flipping the toggle on
Technical Considerations
Recommendation grouping works separately from Variant Grouping in Search but follows a similar concept. It is not limited to Shopify, though it particularly benefits Shopify merchants due to common catalog structures.
Search Variant Grouping
Variant grouping enables you to remove duplicated search results which may occur due to multiple child products that were imported to the Nosto database. If these child products have a parent ID field it is possible to group the child variants to the parent ID - for each of the group fields (e.g. parent_ID) the search will return only the most relevant product.
Please note that the fields that you want to choose for grouping have to be added to the indexed fields beforehand.
Search returns one most relevant product for each group and it’s not possible to get the rest.
The total count returned and facet count represent the cumulative counts of all results that are not grouped.
SKU indexing
Indexing SKUs as single product
By default all SKUs are merged into one product. This ensures the best performance and works for the most cases. You can still use SKUs fields (like SKUs custom fields or availability).
When using facets or filters on SKU fields, certain limitations become apparent. For example, suppose you intend to retrieve all products that have a red color in their SKU custom field and are marked as in stock in the availability field. In this scenario, the search results will include products containing at least one SKU in stock and at least one SKU labeled as red, irrespective of their individual stock status. This occurs due to the method where the SKU fields are copied to the parent product, resulting in the loss of all specific relations between them.
Indexing SKUs as separate products
This option indexes each SKU as a separate product. Combine it with grouping by field to return only one product per parent product id (you can use productId
field for grouping when this option is set). It will bring the following advantages:
Filters and facets will correctly work when using multiple SKU fields.
The search function will retrieve the most relevant SKU, allowing you to display that particular SKU (for instance, when searching for a "red shirt," displaying the image of the red SKU). In the returned data, the first SKU listed will typically be the most relevant one.
SKU custom fields cannot be used for grouping yet.
This feature requires full data sync after each change.
Enabling this option alters the product import process, potentially leading to the loss of certain product updates during toggling.
When deactivating this feature, it's advisable to temporarily set the grouping field to
. Otherwise search will display individual SKUs as separate products until the the next data sync.