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How to Customize Direct Uploader Error Messages
How to Customize Direct Uploader Error Messages
Dan Macarie avatar
Written by Dan Macarie
Updated over a week ago

Direct Uploader is a customizable form that allows your customers to upload content directly, independent of having a social account. Not only does it help to eliminate barriers to entry for your users, but it also allows you to collect custom submission data (e.g. name, email, etc.).

Due to its flexibility, the Direct Uploader is used by our clients for a wide variety of use cases! Often there are times in which the default messaging used within the Direct Uploader needs to be changed:

  • Messaging does not align with your messaging/branding

  • Messaging does not align with your specific use of the widget

  • Messaging may not be detailed enough

  • Messaging may need to be translated for your users

Regardless of the reason, there is a simple way to customize this messaging to your liking! The following code shows the default messaging currently used. To use this, simply copy & paste it into the Customize > JavaScript tab of your Direct Uploader widget.


Custom Javascript

window.Stackla.GoConnectCustomMessages = {     fileUpload: {         prompt: 'Drag your file here or *browse* for a file to upload',         tip: 'maximum size is 4032x4032 pixels and 4MB. (.jpg .jpeg .png .gif)',         uploading: 'Uploading',         uploaded: 'Uploaded',         cancel_upload: 'Cancel Upload',         remove_file: 'Remove File'     },     responseMessages: {         video: {             not_empty: 'Please upload an image or a video',             length_too_long: 'The selected file exceeded maximum duration.',             size_too_small: 'File size is too small.',             size_too_large: 'File size is too large. Please select a file that is less than 100MB.',             invalid_extension: 'The selected file extension is not supported.',             invalid_mime_type: 'The selected file type is not supported.',             upload_incomplete: 'Please complete the file upload.',             transcoder_rejected: 'Sorry, the selected file type is not supported.',             messages: ERROR_JOB_ID_NOT_FOUND = 'Please select a file for upload.'         },         image: {             please_wait: 'Please wait...',             not_empty: 'Please upload an image',             wait_a_short_time: 'Please wait a short time before uploading again',             success: 'File successfully uploaded',             invalid_image_file: 'File is not an image',             invalid_image_type: 'Please make sure your image is one of the following types: jpg, jpeg, png',             exceed_max_size: 'Image size exceeds 2.8MB',             exceed_max_dimension: 'Please, maMB sure image is less than 25mb in size',             below_min_dimension: 'The image you selected is too small. The minimum dimension is 5 pixels.',             error_process_image: 'Failed to process image'         },         comment: {             not_empty: 'Please enter comment',             max_length: 'Comment must not exceed 250 characters long',             html_not_allow: 'HTML is not allowed'         },         firstname: {             not_empty: 'Please enter First Name',             max_length: 'First Name must not exceed 250 characters long',             html_not_allow: 'HTML is not allowed'         },         lastname: {             not_empty: 'Please enter Last Name',             max_length: 'Last Name must not exceed 250 characters long',             html_not_allow: 'HTML is not allowed'         },         email: {             not_empty: 'Please enter your Email address',             max_length: 'Email must not exceed 250 characters long',             html_not_allow: 'HTML is not allowed',             invalid_email: 'Email address is invalid.'         },         terms_and_conditions: {             not_empty: 'Please enter Terms and Conditions URL'         }     } };

(NOTE: If particular message is not supplied by this mapping object, the Direct Uploader widget will use the default message from the server instead)


For any further questions or queries, please send an email to and our support team will get back to you.

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