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How to Configure a UGC Product Feed
How to Configure a UGC Product Feed
Dan Macarie avatar
Written by Dan Macarie
Updated over a week ago

Nosto's UGC offers the ability for Customers to create and update Product Tags within their account in an automated manner.

The feature can poll an XML Product Feed periodically, updating values such as Price, Description, Availability, and even supporting variances in Language or Locale.

To find out more about Configuring your Product Feed and UGC's requirements, please read the guide below:

Feed Format:
The UGC Product Feed feature works with XML feeds, which are based upon Google's Product Merchant Feed type and Facebook's Product Catalogue Feed type.

Connection Type
Customers can choose to sync their Product Feeds from a publicly accessible URL or an SFTP storage.

Required Elements:
The following elements are required to be included in your Product Feed for UGC to be able to successfully synchronize the two systems:

<id> - String : Between 1 - 50 Characters. 
<title> - String : Between 1 - 150 Characters
<link> - URL : Between 1 - 250 Characters
<image_link> - URL : Between 1 - 250 Characters
<availability> - Options : 'in stock', 'out of stock', 'preorder'
<price> - String : Between 3 - 20 Characters

By default, Products & Shopspots will be displayed within a widget, regardless of their Availability. However, this behavior can be adjusted to only display Products/Shopspots that are "in stock", by adding the following parameter to the Widget embed code: data-available-products-only (value must be either true or false). If set to true, only the Products/Shopspots with an availability of 'in stock' will be shown.

Optional Fields:
Nosto's UGC can accept a range of additional fields in your Product Feed and append this to the Product Tag within your Stack. For the most common additional Fields, Nosto expects them to be in the following format:

<condition> - Options : 'new', 'refurbished', 'used'
<shipping> - SubElements : 'country', 'service', 'price'
<expiration_date> - dateTime
<brand> - String : Between 1 - 70 Characters
<gtin> - String : Between 1 - 50 Characters
<mpn> - String : Between 1 - 50 Characters
<product_category> - String : Between 1 - 250 Characters
<product_type> - String : Between 1 - 250 Characters
<additional_image_type> - String : Between 1 - 250 Characters
<gender> - Options : 'Male', 'Female', 'Unisex'
<age_group> - Options : 'Newborn', 'Infant', 'Toddler', 'Kids', 'Adult'
<color> - String : Between 1 - 25 Characters
<size> - String : Between 1 - 25 Characters
<item_group_id> - String : Between 1 - 50 Characters
<sale_price> - String : Between 3 - 20 Characters
<sale_price_start_date> - dateTime
<sale_price_end_date> - dateTime
<description> - String : Between 1 - 1024 Characters

Validating a Feed:
Nosto offers an XSD which Customers can use to Validate their Feed Structure or Build their Feed. This XSD is available here

Update Frequency:
Nosto offers the ability to Update / Synchronise your Product Feeds based on the following schedules:

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Manual

Grouping Products across Locales:
Nosto offers the ability to store variance information for different locales (ie. USA / CAN-FR / CAN-EN) within a single Product Tag, allowing customers to show different information (ie. Name, Description, Price, URL) via Nosto's Onsite UGC Widgets.

For UGC to group/link these variances from different feeds, the same <id> value must be used across each of the connected feeds.

Locale Limits:
UGC does not enforce any limits around the number of different locale variances that can be stored on a single Product Tag.

Setting up your Feed:
To set up your Feed, you will need to go to Settings > Product Feed (if not available, please contact your Customer Success Account Manager) and select Add Product Feed.

Here, you will be presented with the opportunity to define:

  • Product Group Name: This is where you define the ID you wish to use for your various locales/markets (ie. USA, CAN-FR, CAN-EN)

  • Connection Type: URL or SFTP

  • SFTP Details: Host, Port, Username, Password

  • Product Feed URL / Path: URL / Path for specific Feed

  • Excluded Product Behaviour: This is where you define how UGC should handle products that exist in UGC but are excluded from the product feed.

    • Skip Status Update (default option): When this option is selected, the status of all the products that are in UGC but are not in the product feed at any given point is not updated.

    • Mark as Out-of-Stock: When this option is selected, the status of all the products that are in UGC but are not in the product feed at any given point is updated to Out-of-Stock.

  • Update Frequency: How often UGC should poll the feed to look for changes.

For any further questions or queries, please send an email to and our support team will get back to you.

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