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Universal Analytics: Getting Started
Dan Macarie avatar
Written by Dan Macarie
Updated over a week ago

Google Analytics helps you analyze visitor traffic and paint a complete picture of your audience and their engagement with user-generated content.

Widget Configuration

  1. Install the Google Analytics Plugin. This plugin makes it easier to track specific types of events, which you can analyze further to find engagement levels for specific content and widgets.

  2. Start the configuration by entering a Google Analytics tracking ID. This must be a Universal Analytics tracking ID (e.g. UA-12345678-1). This code can be found on the Admin > Property > Property Settings section of Google Analytics under the Tracking ID field, or follow the instructions in this Google Analytics help guide.

    • NOTE: If you'd like to first test the Google Analytics integration within the widget, we recommend you generate a separate "staging" tracking ID to test with. This will ensure you do not affect your production analytics with false information during the staging process.

  3. Select which events you want to track:

  • Widget Event > Load More: The user has scrolled to the end of the initially loaded widget content, and clicked to load more

  • Tile Events > Tile being expanded: For widgets that have the expanded tile feature, you can see when the user has clicked on content to see the larger view

  • Tile Events > User name/handle being clicked: The user has clicked on the network username or @handle

  • Tile Events > Share button being clicked: The user has selected to share the content on a social network (sharing must be enabled on the widget)

  • Tile Events > ShopSpot flyout being shown: The user has browsed a tile on a stack that has Social Commerce enabled, found content with a ShopSpot, and viewed the product detail

  • Tile Events > ShopSpot action being clicked: The user has clicked the call-to-action button in the ShopSpot

You also have the option to customize some of the Event parameters that appear on your GA Dashboard:

  • Customise the Event Category Name

  • Display the Original Post URL rather than the dynamic Event label for Tiles.


The specific events will be displayed in Google Analytics as follows:

  • Load more

  • Tile expand

  • Username or Handle click

  • Share click

  • ShopSpot flyout

  • ShopSpot click

See examples in the Event Action table of the below image.

User interactions with your content on widgets will then be tracked and passed through to Google Analytics.

For any further questions or queries, please send an email to and our support team will get back to you.

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