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Universal Analytics: Tracking Capabilities
Dan Macarie avatar
Written by Dan Macarie
Updated over a week ago

Key Concepts:

  • Google Analytics Events

    Events are user interactions with content that can be tracked independently from a web page or a screen load.


The Google Analytics plugin provides the ability to track significant Tile interactions on supported Widgets.

To do this it leverages Google Analytics Events with individual interactions sending relevant data to Google Analytics using the standard Event tracking parameters (Event Category, Event Action, Event Label).

Each of the supported interactions can be toggled on/off across all Widgets or on a Widget by Widget basis.

Tracked Interactions

The following is a list of interactions that can be tracked along with the data that is sent to Google Analytics for the Event.

Sample data has been included to illustrate what is sent to Google Analytics in the Event tracking parameters.


This Event fires when a Widget loads.

Event Category

Widget (7860) Filter (213)

Event Action


Event Label

Load more

This Event fires when a user clicks the "Load more" button on a Widget.

Event Category

Widget (7860) Filter (213)

Event Action

Load more

Event Label

Tile expand

This event fires when a user expands a Tile.

Event Category

Widget (7860) Filter (213)

Event Action

Tile expand

Event Label

tile_id: 56ec35bfda3ac, source: Twitter, media: image

Share click

This event fires when a user clicks a share button on a Tile.

Event Category

Widget (7860) Filter (213)

Event Action

Share click

Event Label

tile_id: 56ec35bfda3ac, source: Twitter, media: image, share_network: Facebook

NB: The following events are available on Stacks with Social Commerce enabled.

ShopSpot flyout

This event fires when a user hovers over a ShopSpot.

Event Category

Widget (7860) Filter (213)

Event Action

ShopSpot flyout

Event Label

tile_id: 56ec35bfda3ac, source: twitter, media: image, product_tag_id: nike-air-max, ext_id: airmax90

ShopSpot Action button click

This event fires when a user clicks an action button (ie. buy now button) on a ShopSpot hover overlay.

Event Category

Widget (7860) Filter (213)

Event Action

ShopSpot action click

Event Label

tile_id: 56ec35bfda3ac, source: twitter, media: image, product_tag_id: nike-air-max, ext_id: airmax90

Non-Interaction Events

Google Analytics Events accept a parameter called nonInteraction which affects how bounce rate is calculated on your page.

Typically, when an Event is triggered, the page will not be recorded as a bounce - even if it is the only page a visitor has viewed in their session.

By setting the nonInteraction value to "true", you change this behaviour so a bounce will still be recorded even if an Event is triggered.

The UGC Google Analytics plugin allows you to set this value for each of the above Events via the "Non Interaction" checkbox (checked = "true", unchecked = "false").

For more information, check out Google's documentation.

Reporting in Google Analytics

Tracked Events can be found in the reporting view of the relevant Google Analytics profile under Behaviour > Events.

For any further questions or queries, please send an email to and our support team will get back to you.

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