The Nosto Chrome Extension for UGC creates a link between your Chrome browser and Nosto, providing a quick and easy method of performing many Nosto actions from anywhere! If you haven't yet downloaded or configured the extension, you can do so here.
Send Rights Management requests from discovered content
Using the Nosto Chrome Extension, you can now easily request rights from discovered posts directly from social networks.
Supported By:
Instagram (Rights via Response and via Registration)
YouTube (Rights via Registration only)
X (Rights via Response and via Registration)
Requesting Rights for Instagram
Directly in the social network, you will now see a Nosto button that has been added to the post toolbar.
Clicking the Nosto button will display a popup containing all of your available actions. If you have access to multiple Stacks, remember to use the selector at the top of the popup window to choose the Stack you wish to request rights from.
Towards the bottom of the popup, you'll find your Rights Management options.
Selected either Rights by Response or Rights by Registration, and follow the required steps.
Good to know:
If the post already existed within your stack, the post will simply be flagged as Rights Requested, per usual!
If the post did not already exist within your stack and it's not from Instagram, then the post will be created and then flagged as Rights Requested.
If the post did not already exist within your stack and it's from Instagram, then the post will not be created at this stage. You will see the post in Nosto only when the Rights have been accepted (this is due to an Instagram API limitation)
For any further questions or queries, please send an email to and our support team will get back to you.