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How to Copy UGC Elements across Accounts / Stacks
How to Copy UGC Elements across Accounts / Stacks
Dan Macarie avatar
Written by Dan Macarie
Updated over a week ago

Stack-to-stack copying allows customers to copy UGC elements across multiple Stacks. This feature allows customers to copy the following across UGC accounts:

  • Terms

  • Filters

  • Tags

  • Widgets

  • Filters

  • Events

  • Individual or Multiple Tiles

Stack Copying for Terms, Filters, Tags, Widgets, Filters and Events

To push UGC assets across Nost's UGC simply click one on Manage (Tags, Filters, Terms, Widgets, Events) click on the down arrow more action button, and select Copy to stack.

Stack Copying for Individual Tiles

To push individual tiles across stacks. Go to your manage content menu. Click on more actions on the far right-hand side of the tile, then click Copy to stack.

Stack Copying for Multiple Tiles

To push multiple tiles across stacks fo to your manage content menu. Select Multiple Tiles and the the top of the content menu click on the copy to stack blue button.

Selecting which Stack to copy to

With any of the above when you click copy to stack a modal will pop up giving you the option to select which stack to copy to.

The first step is to choose which stack to copy to:

The second step is to select your copy options. You can either choose to overwrite existing content or ignore any duplicates.

To finalise the process simply review your selection and confirm.

For any further questions or queries, please send an email to and our support team will get back to you.

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