Enhanced Shopper Identification by External Identifier

How enhanced shopper identification works and what to take into consideration before enabling it

Tuukka Häkkinen avatar
Written by Tuukka Häkkinen
Updated over a week ago

Enabling enhanced shopper identification by external identifier might require changes to your cookie and/or data privacy policy, as the mode alters how shoppers, your website visitors, are monitored. By default the mode is disabled on all accounts and only your company user is eligible to enable the mode.

Please note that we’re only able to provide you details on how the enhanced shopper identification works instead of providing you any legal advice. We encourage and expect you to review the possible implications of enabling the mode with your own legal and/or data privacy teams, before making any changes to the default settings.

By default, Nosto uses its own cookies for shopper identification, which are used for different purposes depending on the cookie. More details available in Nosto cookie summary here.

When the enhanced shopper identification mode is enabled, Nosto reads if a shopper has an external cookie containing a customer identifier ID stored in their client- browser. If one exists, the customerID in the external cookie is read and compared to the identifier in Nosto.

If a shopper profile for the same identifier as in the external source exists in Nosto, technically by the same customerID, their personalisation profile in Nosto is reinstated. Consequently, shopper’s personalization experiences can be restored, instead of processing the shopper as a new visitor to the website.

Ultimately, this changes how and for what purpose your platform cookies might be used.

Enabling the mode makes use of following platform cookies, depending on the identifier such as the shop platform you use:

  • Shopify: _y

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