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Getting Started with Content Moderation
Dan Macarie avatar
Written by Dan Macarie
Updated over a week ago

Once you have created Terms within your Nosto platform, all aggregated content will appear in the Curate Content section of your UGC account.

To access the Curation section, simply go to Curate > Content

From here you will be presented with all the content that has been aggregated in chronological order (last ingested content first).


Refine your Content

By default, the Curate Content section will display all content that is currently on your UGC account, however, you may only want to access a specific segment of content.

To achieve this, Nosto offers three ways to refine content:

  • Refine within Curate Content

  • Load an Existing Filter

  • Load an existing Saved View

To load an existing Saved View or Filter, simply click on the My Saved Views or My Filters tabs located at the top of the Curate Content screen.

These will provide a list of all your pre-configured Views and Filters on your account, which you can then select.


Alternatively, if you have not yet created a Filter or Saved View, or just wish to build your segment, you can use the Refinement options available in Curate Content.

The Refinement section, located at the top of the Curate Content screen, will display, by default, the most Common Options, which includes the ability to Filter by a series of conditions and view content based upon their state of Published, Queued and/or Disabled.

For users who require more options, they can load additional refinement options and/or more advanced View options.

Most Common Options:


Full List of Options:


Apply Actions

The Curate Content screen allows users to perform a series of actions on the aggregated content tiles. These options include core functions, such as marking the status of the Tile (either Published Queued, or Trash), or Applying / Editing Tags (which can be done at the base of a Tile), or accessing more advanced options via the overflow menu.

Tile Status

To do this, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to Curate > Content

  2. Find the Tile that you wish to Curate. From here you should be presented with three circles at either the base of the Tile (Grid View) or to the right-hand side of the Tile (Table View)


From here the options you have available to you are:

  • Publish a Tile (Green Tick Icon) - This will make the Tile available to display through a Stackla Output.

  • Queue a Tile (Orange Pause Icon) - This will leave the Tile in a paused state and is generally the default state of a Tile.

  • Trash a Tile (Red Trash Icon) - This will indicate that you wish to remove this Tile from your Stack and do not want it to be considered for display


From here you can select the option which works best for the piece of content that you are curating.

These actions can also be performed via a Batch approach.

Advanced Actions

To apply advanced actions, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to Curate > Content

  2. Find the Tile that you wish to Curate. From here click the ... menu


Further details about each of the Advanced options are available throughout the Nosto Help Centre.


  • If you have a team of moderators please also read this article.

  • For best practices on how multiple teams can moderate the same content please read this article

For any further questions or queries, please send an email to and our support team will get back to you.

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