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How to Create / Edit a Term
Dan Macarie avatar
Written by Dan Macarie
Updated over 5 months ago

With UGC Terms, the discovery process is front and center. Not only does the UI help you discover the most relevant searches that should be created, but it also suggests additional popular terms you were not aware of! With just a few clicks, all of your desired terms can be spun up with minimal effort!

This article is a full walkthrough of the Create Term process from beginning to end.

When planning the creation of Instagram terms be aware of the Instagram Hashtag Search Limits

Creating a New Term

  1. To get started, let's first navigate to UGC Monitoring > Discovery > Terms > Create New Term within your stack's dashboard.

  2. Next you can either use our new universal search option by typing a search into the search bar, OR you can select a specific network from the list of supported social networks below.

    • The universal search option is the most efficient method of creating terms and is best if you're just getting started within Nosto's UGC if you're looking to create multiple terms across different social networks, or looking for term suggestions (such as related hashtags/campaign mentions, hashtags that usage you were unaware of, etc.)

    • Individual social network selection is best used when you know exactly what you're looking for, and just need to create a very specific new term or two.

    • NOTE: both options allow you to perform the same functions in the long run. The remainder of this article will step through the term suggestion process.

  3. Next you will be shown all of the term suggestions based on the search criteria provided, and select the ones you're interested in creating via the circle on the right of each list item. Click Preview Discovery Terms once you've made your selection.

  4. The next screen provides a summary, if you will, of the Terms you've selected and are about to create-

    • Use each Term's content preview to ensure this content looks correct.

    • If needed, you can go back a step if changes are needed!

  5. Click Confirm Selections when/if happy with the terms chosen.

  6. Upon confirming your term selection, the final review screen will be shown. From here, there are a few things you can do, all optional:

    1. Simply click Save Discovery Terms to start aggregating your content.

    2. Click Add Tags to configure the automated application of tags to the content as it's aggregated (highly recommended for keeping content organized/grouped for moderation purposes).

    3. Click the Edit Term button next to any or each of the Terms you'd like to fully configure before their aggregation begins (continue reading for full Term configuration details)

Editing a Term

Once the terms have been created, you may notice the new UI extends to the Edit Terms screens as well. Now, managing and editing your terms is easier than ever! The newly streamlined Edit screen puts all of the Term's settings directly at your fingertips, while only the relevant features are displayed.

  1. To edit an existing Term, first navigate to UGC Monitoring > Discovery > Terms, then select Edit (for the term you wish to make changes to).

  2. Once in the Edit screen of a term, you will see a view similar to the screenshot below.

  3. The remainder of this article will now detail each of the possible term settings that you may encounter.

    • NOTE: Some term settings are network-specific, and will only display when editing a term from these social networks. Other settings are Nosto's UGC feature-specific, and will only display if the stack has access to these features and/or has the feature's plugin installed.

General Term Settings

  • Choose a Term Name to keep things organized, and easily located moving forward.

  • From the Term Settings, select the moderation options for the different post media types. By default, all posts are set to Queue to ensure you are satisfied with the content before it is displayed. Read more about moderation statutes here & here.

  • Add Tags to the term, via the Add Tags/Selected Tags setting, to help keep your content organized or grouped for easier moderation and control.

  • To start aggregating content instantly, simply select Activate Term. Alternately, select Deactivate Term if you'd like to stop aggregation (great for setting up future campaigns, etc.)

Visual Recognition

  • Visual Recognition can be applied on a term-level basis. When enabled, Nosto's Visual Recognition engine will identify objects, scenes, events, emotions, and more within your aggregated visual content, and apply "Concepts" to your Tiles.


  • To help reduce the moderation resources needed, the Sentiment option can be enabled to automatically exclude any posts that are identified with a Negative sentiment score.


  • Scheduling allows a specific aggregation schedule to be applied to a term. Using the pop-up, you can set a start and end date/time for your timezone, which will essentially Activate/Deactivate the term accordingly.

Inappropriate Words

  • Inappropriate Words - Using our prebuilt list, the system will flag any abusive/inappropriate language within a post, and will exclude them from aggregating into your Stack. If you would like to update this list simply click on the hyperlink called "Inappropriate Words" below the setting, or navigate to Settings>Bad Words to add your own words, or edit existing ones.


  • Include & Exclude Users provides a simple way to add specific social network users to the term's whitelist & blacklist. All posts from users on the blacklist will be excluded from aggregation, whereas if users are added to the whitelist, the term will only aggregate posts from those users (excluding everyone else).


  • Nosto aggregation terms also support a Language Filtering service, which can be utilized on both the aggregation and display. You can select as many languages as needed from the + more button.


  • At times, a term may be too popular or active, thus aggregating far too much content than necessary. With the Throttling option, you can proactively control the volume of content that you wish to ingest. Set the maximum number of tiles the term can aggregate per 1 hour OR 1 day.


  • The Rules settings can be used to help refine your search results, to ensure you're aggregating relevant content. Use additional hashtags/keywords to apply additional search terms to the term's initial search criteria.

Twitter Specific Settings

When creating a Twitter Term, you will encounter some Twitter-specific settings. To find out more about these, check out the following article.

For any further questions or queries, please send an email to and our support team will get back to you.

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