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Understanding your Community
Dan Macarie avatar
Written by Dan Macarie
Updated over a year ago

The Organic Advocates Community includes any Content Creators that Nosto has identified as Advocates and recommends you connect with (Identified Advocates), and any Advocates who have already connected to your Advocate Community (Connected Advocates).

If your community is blank, it simply means that no one has yet Connected and Nosto has been able to Identify any Content Creators to reach out to. Nosto identifies Advocates based on Instagram content aggregated from Business Mentions, Business Photo Tags Direct Social Uploads, or Rights Managed Hashtag content.

Co-Pilot Recommends

Co-Pilot Recommendations are a combination of Identified and Connected Advocates who have been identified as being highly relevant to the brand.


Using Deep Learning, Co-Pilot determines relevance based on several factors including:

  • Number of Aggregated, Published and Rights Managed Posts

  • Visual Recognition Concepts

  • Approved and Rejected Submissions

  • Engagement Data for Connected Advocates

The Recommended Advocates is a shortlist that Co-Pilot believes will be most relevant for any active Creative Briefs you have at the time.

Community Listing

The Community Listing will display all Identified, Invited, and Connected Advocates relating to your account and is where a brand can see content previously aggregated or submitted from Advocates, any relevant stats Nosto has been able to collect, relevance scores, and more.


To assist Brands navigating through this list Nosto provides several refinement options. These include:

  • Engagement: Engagement rate on Social (Only for Connected Accounts)

  • Followers: Number of Followers on Social (Only for Connected Accounts)

  • Relevance: Co-Pilot Relevance Score

  • Terms: Terms their Content has been aggregated from

  • Rights: Whether any content has been Rights Approved

  • Submissions: Whether they have ever Submitted Content to a Brief

  • Tags: Any Tags that have been applied to the Content Creator

  • Connected: Whether they are connected to the Advocate Community

  • Search: Keyword / Username Search

  • By Brief: Find any advocates invited to a particular Brief

In this section, brands can look to perform the following tasks to assist in the management of their Community:

For any further questions or queries, please send an email to and our support team will get back to you.

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