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FAQ: Organic Advocates
Dan Macarie avatar
Written by Dan Macarie
Updated over a year ago

Why is my Advocate Community blank?

If your community is blank, it simply means that no one has yet Connected and Nosto has been able to Identify any Content Creators to reach out to. Nosto identifies Advocates based on Instagram content aggregated from Business Mentions, Business Photo Tags Direct Social Uploads, or Rights Managed Hashtag content.

Can I share my Advocate Community with Advocates who have not been identified or recommended via Nosto?

Yes, you can encourage whoever you want to join your Advocate Community by simply sharing the URL to your Advocate Community Portal.

How often are new Advocates identified?

Nosto runs the process of identifying potential Advocates for a brand to reach out to, and their level of relevance daily.

What is the URL to my Advocate Community Portal?

It will be stack

Can I pick my domain for my Advocate Community Portal?

Currently, Nosto does not offer this service.

How does Co-Pilot determine which Advocates to Recommend?

Using Deep Learning, Co-Pilot determines relevance based on several factors including:

  • Number of Aggregated, Published and Rights Managed Posts

  • Visual Recognition Concepts

  • Approved and Rejected Submissions

  • Engagement Data for Connected Advocates

The Recommended Advocates is a shortlist that Co-Pilot believes will be most relevant for any active Creative Briefs you have at the time.

How do I adjust what information is displayed in the Community listings?

It is possible to adjust what columns and how many Advocates are displayed in the Community Listings by following this guide.

How do I know if a Submission has been made?

Users with the Owner role in Nosto will receive an email when someone submits content - once a day in a batch.

How do I review Submissions made to a Creative Brief?

You can review all Submissions made to a Creative Brief by following this guide.

Can I add Submissions to a Widget / Event Screen or Email?

All submissions made to a Creative Brief will have associated Tiles that can be used in Widgets, Event Screens, Emails, or pushed to Ads. To find out how to find these Tiles, follow this guide.

How do I download Submissions?

All submissions made to a Creative Brief will have the Assets added to your UGC Asset Manager instance. You can download these Assets either individually or in bulk by following this guide.

How do I download participant information to fulfill a Submission?

You can download all relevant participant and submission data from within the respective Creative Brief details page. To find out how follow this guide.

For any further questions or queries, please send an email to and our support team will get back to you.

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