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Advanced Options for Pop-ups
Advanced Options for Pop-ups

Mobile and Desktop options for pop-ups

Dan Macarie avatar
Written by Dan Macarie
Updated over a week ago

Advanced settings feature unified view to all campaign’s settings including advanced design possibilities.

Naming and disabling

A menu on the top of the screen allows re-naming and enabling the campaign by flipping the switch.

Email Verification

Nosto supports verifying the email addresses you collect using the pop-up tool by sending a verification email to a customer, which includes a clickable verification link. Verified emails have status “Verified: True” when an email list is exported implying a recipient has clicked and verified subscription whereas “false” implies a customer has received an email, but hasn’t verified subscription.

In case you enable the email verification, use editor tool to configure and customise the email. The email is sent in plain-text.

  • From name: Sender name in email preview (your shop’s name or similar)

  • From address: Sender email address. Sender address verification required.

  • Subject: Email subject

  • Email content: Configurable personalized message

  • Confirmation link text: Link text for confirmation

  • Landing page: The page where customer is sent after clicking the confirmation link. By default, this is your shop’s home page, but you can optionally send customers to your additional confirmation or landing page where they verify their subscription.

Coupon Codes

Coupon codes don’t feature any additional options and simply control are multi-use or personalized, unique codes handed out.

Visual Settings

Copy tools

Copy tools don’t feature any additional options, but allow quick editing of a pop-up

Visual Settings sub-tab

Editor tools feature slightly more options than the basic menu, for instance hiding the ribbon.


Advanced users with in-house web-development resources or partner handling the web-development can customise the design of the pop-up under Html/Css tab by editing the Html-code, allowing full control over the visual aspects of the pop-up.

Unfortunately, Nosto doesn’t provide design services so you need to consult your front-end developers to customise the design for you if customization allowed by editor tools under visual settings isn’t good enough.

Advanced editor tools for Html and css

Please note the comment field in the template. Do not remove classes and IDs even if you would customise the design. Listed classes and IDs need to be present for the pop-up to function properly.


Duration options allow enabling and disabling a pop-up from now on or in a given date range.

Appearance settings

Effects can be applied to modify the appearance of the pop-up.

  • Fade in duration: Defines the fade in effect when the pop-up appears on the page. The fade in effect can be adjusted in milliseconds (max. 10 000).

  • Delay by time: Sets when the pop-up appears after the page is loaded. This is defined in milliseconds (max. 60 000).

  • Exit intent sensitivity: Defines when an exit intent pop-up is displayed. “High” triggers the campaign 80 milliseconds, “Medium” triggers the campaign 2 seconds and “Low” triggers the pop-up 5 seconds after the cursor leaves the browser window. This option is only available for exit intent and follow up abandoned cart campaigns.

  • Delay by scroll: Triggers the appearance of the pop-up only if the user scrolls down the page. Defined in pixels (max. 10 000).

  • Overlay opacity: Adjusts the opacity of the overlay around the pop-up. By default, the overlay opacity is 80%.


Mobile section controls if the pop-up campaign should be displayed on desktop and/or on mobile.

  • Show on mobile: when switched on, the pop-up campaign is displayed on mobile devices only.

  • Show on desktop & tablet: when switched on the pop-up campaign is displayed on desktop and tablets only.

Note: Flipping both switches off is impossible since it would set the campaign as disabled. If you wish to disable the campaign, flip the main campaign switch “Off”.

Advanced Rules

Advanced rules are a set of conditions which allow to show or hide a pop-up campaign according to certain specific browsing behavior. For example, one would want to display a campaign to new visitors but only when they visit a certain page type or only when they visits products from a certain brand.

Several rulesets can be defined via the Advanced Rules section in the interface. Select a ruleset and click “Add”:

  • Categories: Show or hide pop-up either on a category page or on a product page when a given category matches with viewed category. A pop-up can be displayed on both page types, whichever is viewed first.

  • Site Urls: Show or hide pop-up on a given page based on a url-address

  • Tags: Show or hide pop-up on a product page when a viewed product features any of defined tags

  • Brands: Show or hide pop-up on a product page based on brand. In the example, pop-up would be shown on Nike, Adidas, Puma and Asics product pages

  • Cart: Show pop-up when cart value is within given range or when number of products in cart is within given range. Every set condition must be satisfied for the pop-up to be shown. In the example, pop-up would be shown when cart value exceeds 100 and has at least 1 product. No maximum values as hide-rules are set.

  • Page views: Shows pop-up after a given number of page views has been reached during the same session.

  • Location: Show or hide a pop-up to users located in a specific area. Note that you need to collect and process user's location data in order to use the pop-up, meaning the data type can't be omitted in data controls settings.

  • Page type: Show or hide a pop-up to users visiting one page type. Page types supported are the following:

Home page
Category page
Product page
Cart page
Order confirmation page
Search result page
404 page

To apply the above, make sure you have applied correctly the page type tagging here.

Multiple Advanced Rules

Multiple advanced inclusive rules are supported in case you want to narrow down the target audience to a smaller subset. Add more rules by clicking add and configure settings as you prefer. In the elaborative example below, a pop-up would be displayed only to

  • Visitors from Finland, excluding visitors from Lapland (geotargeting)

  • When cart value is above 250€ and there are more than 1 item in the cart (cart value)

  • And only when a user is on the cart page (page type)

  • Whereas the campaign type exit-intent defines that pop-up is triggered by intention to leave.


Developer tools

A following command will enforce the popup when used in a browser’s console


A popup can be disabled by setting cookie with following value:

{"popup_campaign_id": {"state":"closed","coupon":null}}

where popup_campaign_id is url encoded name of the behavioural popup campaign. This is useful option if pop-ups are exposed for testing as the test-tool needs to suppress the cookie value in order to run the test.

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