By default, the Expanded Tile option will be enabled for your display. This option allows your audience to view a larger version of the tile (image, text, or video) on your Widget.
Note, to change these settings please go to Settings > More Settings > Click through
See below for an example:
Use the below options to customize this Expanded Tile:
Layout: Choose from Portrait or Landscape to display the Lightbox.
Tick the box if you would like to enable Show Sharing Tools (as can be seen from the image above users can have the chance to share content on their social networks).
If appropriate, enter a Custom Sharing Title and Custom Sharing Text
Tick the remaining options to display more interactions on the Expanded Tile. Note, that this area is optional.
Votes (only works if you are running a competition)
Prev/Next Arrows
Products (based on Product Tags)
Note that you can Preview all changes before saving.
What to do next? Use the Custom Code Editor to further modify your Widget (click here), or how to Embed your Widget.
For any further questions or queries, please send an email to and our support team will get back to you.