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Getting Started With Behavioural Pop-ups
Getting Started With Behavioural Pop-ups
Dan Macarie avatar
Written by Dan Macarie
Updated over 9 months ago

This tutorial walks you through how to create a pop-up campaign and links you to in-depth manuals.

Start by navigating to the Pop-ups menu, and then click on “Create Pop-ups“.

This doesn’t yet activate the pop-up, but launches a wizard guiding you through the setup process.

Trigger Settings

Here you will be have the dropdown list of Triggers you have created and afterwards you will be able to select the segment to you are going to show the pop up to

Apart from selecting your segment you can also decide if you want this popup to be displayed only to mobile, desktop or both


– Following Google’s terminology, a tablet is considered similarly to a desktop device. Read more here.– If you select on-exit and abandoned cart trigger points, the campaigns will not be shown on mobile and tablet as there is no possibility to track cursor behavior on touch devices (mobile & tablet).

Pop-up behavior

This step defines how customers receive their discount coupons and do they need to leave their email address dressed as a newsletter subscription by default. The selection on the left, active in the screencapture below, reveals the coupon immediately after a client has clicked “Show my coupon” CTA button.

In case you choose the selection on the right, customers need to leave their email address in turn to receive their coupon. Read more about the feature here.

Discount coupon

Discount coupon type supports multi-use coupons or personalized coupons. In case you choose personalized coupons you need to upload discount coupons to Nosto first. Read the support article how to create coupon codes here. In case have a  coupon pool available the menu will appear as below.

Select template and edit copy

The next step in the wizard includes selecting the template for your behavioural pop up a and some visual settings editor. The easiest way to proceed is to edit the respective fields and to click the preview-button to review how your changes have been applied. In case you want to completely customize the visual appearance and design, proceed to final touches and proceed to advanced settings featuring Html editor alongside with other options.

Campaign Duration

Campaign duration is set next. Show from now on, enables the campaign right away, effectively meaning that pop-ups are displayed until campaign is manually disabled.

Specific Date Range defines date range when coupons are served. Leaving detail From empty is equivalent to "Show from now on" and enables the pop-ups immediately, whereas Until defines the time when the discount coupon is disabled. If you want to enable the pop-up at a given time of the day, edit settings under advanced settings accessible from the Final Touches view.

Final Touches

The last step allows you to verify and preview everything before going live!

Give a descriptive name to the campaign by inserting a name to Name This Popup Campaign text field. Name is publicly hidden and visible in the analytics helping you to track different campaigns.

Save as draft saves the pop-up as a draft in case you would like to save the campaign before going live.

In addition, you can still preview the pop-up by clicking preview your pop-up.

Through “Go to advanced settings, you can reach the advanced settings page for the campaign. Read more about the advanced settings here.

Once everything looks good to you, click Save and Activate and you’re live!

When campaigns are live, you can observe the performance of each campaign via a dashboard under On-site, Pop-ups sub-category:

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