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Settings and Troubleshooting FAQ
Settings and Troubleshooting FAQ

Read frequent questions and get answers right away.

How does the Nosto blacklist feature work in connection with a 3rd party?
Is Nosto ADA compliant?
Why is PageSpeed suggesting that 10 minute cache expiration of the script is too low?
What is the refSrc parameter?
How to fix the Nosto's default carousel issue
Can I lazy load the images in my recommendation slot?
How do I hide/show a recommendation slot on mobile?
How can website visitors opt-out of cookies and data collected and processed by Nosto ?
Marketing Permission Tagging
Dynamic pricing - using price variations
Settings: Multi-Currency
Settings: Account Settings
Settings: Authentication Tokens
Settings: Report Recipients
Settings: User Management
Tools: Product Reindex/Update
Tools: Coupon Codes
Tools: Sender Addresses